Localization Done Right

Many US tech companies have difficulties entering foreign markets like China, Japan, and Russia. Many people know that the reason is cultural difference. But few companies take a step forward and fix the localization problem. It’s hard to find a rockstar programmer at my level. It’s almost impossible to find a rockstar programmer at my […]

[LeetCode HARD] 32 Longest Valid Parentheses

LeetCode has become the de facto go-to website for tech interviews. As a former competitive programmer, the LeetCode “hard”, “medium”, and “easy” problems are more like “easy”, “very easy”, “extremely easy” for me. I think it would be a good idea for me to put my solutions of some of the LeetCode hard problems here. […]

[LeetCode HARD] 23 Merge k Sorted Lists

LeetCode has become the de facto go-to website for tech interviews. As a former competitive programmer, the LeetCode “hard”, “medium”, and “easy” problems are more like “easy”, “very easy”, “extremely easy” for me. I think it would be a good idea for me to put my solutions of some of the LeetCode hard problems here. […]

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